Arriya Kingrey

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Clear the Control Programs...

There is a lot of heavy, thick, energy in the collective field.

Can you feel it?

Maybe you are feeling stuck, slowed down, or feel like you are moving through murky waters?

If you have a mission - in your home, in your community, or in the collective as a whole - it is so important to reorient yourself in right relationship to the collective so you keep bringing forward your gifts - instead of being slowed or stopped falsely.

The control programs are very present at this time.

What does that mean?

All the places where we have been taught...

  • to follow the rules,

  • obey the authority,

  • do what you are told,

  • hand over your power,

  • be informed externally vs internally,

    are being pinged in your system.

We can clean up these control programs so you can move freely of these external influences.

We can be influenced by these control programs

through childhood,

the school systems,

the government systems,

the family systems,

the corporate systems,

the financial systems,

and beyond.

When you read this, what are the things you are noticing in your body, in your mind, or your emotions?

Here’s a useful question to tune into…

On a scale of 1-10, how much is my creativity being impacted by external influences?

What’s your first response, the first thing that comes forward?

Now, on a scale of 1-10, how much is the realization or the material form of your creations being influenced by external influences?

Would you like to shift that?

I shared a ceremony in the Akashic Records for clearing control programs and activating your creation energy a few weeks ago and the shifts that took place immediately following and over the last few weeks has been substantial.

Actual and legit MIRACLES!

When we clear these programs from our system it supports us to move forward with alignment and speed (not push) in service - not to be slowed or stopped by the wonky energy that is present in the collective itself.

So if you are ready to amplify and activate your creation energy and clear away the control programs that are hanging around, I would love to invite you to a Ceremony in the Akashic Records to Clear the Control Programs operating just under the surface.

Creation energy is what is REQUIRED right now to support us to create the new possibilities, technologies, and innovations that will support us to move through these challenging times with goodness, prosperity, peace, and benevolence.

Would you like to receive the recording for this potent ceremony space?

The investment is $97.

  • We will open ceremonial space,

  • activate the energy of creation,

  • clear control programs,

  • and move into integration and closing.

When we come together we can create great miracles in the field, for you, your business, and your family!

Let’s point our arrows in the direction of where we are wanting to fly and release the tension and resistance so we can be propelled forward with ease and speed.