Arriya Kingrey

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Follow THAT thread. That’s the one.

We can really make things so much harder and more complicated than they need to be.

Especially when we are sitting in our stuff.

Thank goodness our system holds the exact wisdom needed to move to the next level.

We just have to tune our dial to the right channel.

The one of expansion, opportunity, and possibility, not the one where our survival system literally wants to play Groundhog Day over and over so we can be “safe”.

Safe - but not living aligned with our purpose.

Safe - but not receiving abundantly for Being.

Safe - while compromising who we really are or what we stand for.

Safe - but bored to tears.

Safe - but living in constant stress and anxiety.

Ahh... no.

That is not the choice.

When you KNOW it’s time for the next up level it’s because IT’S TIME.

It’s because your system with its divine intelligence is guiding the way.

Follow THAT thread. That’s the one.

And when you sit in the crunchiest of crunchy places bumped up between the new way (that you have no idea what it is yet)

or the old way - you know oh so well

You do have choice.

And it can actually be so much simpler.

Are you ready?

Connect with me Here.

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