Lets go Deeper...

I’m just going to offer this reminder, mindset is not the ALL.

Sure, it can be important.

And also, there is more to us than our minds.

There is the whole rest of the body, all of our multi-dimensional bodies, and more.

When we are simply focusing on the mindset, I have had the experience of witnessing it acting almost like a shame and blame boomerang.

The mindset piece is set up to be this big deal.

And then when they can’t or don’t do it, they blame themselves for it not working.

They didn’t do a good enough job, they didn’t do enough, they aren’t worthy of something better…

But what is also important and true is that mindset is one piece.

And it’s not about manipulating or pretending to think something different.

It’s about getting to the root of where the experience is coming from and shifting it there.

There is something deeper that is informing the mindset and it is critical to shift it at the root.

[And the root is often not logical and might seem to have NOTHING to do with the experience.]

When we continue to play out an experience, I find that it is so supportive to get curious about where it is originating - and where is it being held in or around the body.

When we go there, we can shift it at the root.

And sometimes just highlighting and acknowledging the root of the pattern - in the field, in the family line, in the body, or beyond - resolves it and upgrades the experience to what is more true.

And sometimes we have to also tend to the places in the physical body that have been created all around that origination event.

All the stories, ideas, identities, beliefs, habits, patterns, programs…

THEN it often just completely disappears.

Often so completely that one might have to be reminded of it to see what is true now, because otherwise, it just isn’t operating in them in anyway.

If you would like to go deeper and clear the next deepest levels to support you in creating your high-test potentiality peace, prosperity, and purpose...

I have a couple 3-session packages for those who are new to working with me. You can send me a PM to explore what will meet you best or check it out HERE.

These are for disruptor creators who are here to deliver their creations into form in their unique and potent way - in their body, in their family, in their business, in their industry and beyond!

(Even if they don't yet know exactly what their unique creation is - or are already DOING IT!)

EnergeticsArriya Kingrey