Arriya Kingrey

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LIBERATION is calling...

So, you played the game well, you can be successful in anything (and have), and now something more is calling... LOUDLY.  

More meaning, more purpose, to do the thing you are here for.  

To relieve the anxiety and stress that is always existing in the nervous system, from pushing so hard, achieving, and succeeding at all costs.  

There is another way.  

One where being disconnected from the body is no longer serving.  

Being disconnected from the body used to serve.  

It allowed you to do whatever it took to create the success you knew you were here for.  

But now the disconnection is actually propagating the pattern of playing by other people’s rules in a game that is actually limiting and containing you instead of fully flourishing in your expansive liberation and fulfilling success.  

Compromising yourself, your success, your capabilities to be successful - but not that successful.  

To be strong and capable, but not too capable.  

To hold yourself in between the place you know you are meant for but constantly talk yourself out of because you don’t want to run from ego when truth is what is calling.  

However, there is also truth in the deep knowing that you are here to play full out.  

You are here to create a great impact.  

You are here to experience great success, at levels that are beyond what “normal” people would even consider.  

So instead of turning toward, “there must be something wrong with me” or “I’m crazy”, or some other way to cancel out your greatness, we are going to turn toward it.  

We are going to acknowledge it.  

We are going to listen to what it has to share with you.  

Because it is possible (and probably true) that you are keeping yourself from easefully and fully resting in your greatness.  And when you allow yourself to play the game you are really here for there is such an exhale from every cell, fiber, tissue, and in your bones.  

Holding yourself smaller than you are here for uses up a lot of energy.  

Being so successful while tying both hands behind your back - so you aren’t too successful - is exhausting.  

So it’s time to play your rightful game.  

The one where you get to be You, in all your glory, in all your prosperity and abundance, without stress and anxiety, with ease and joy and peace.  

And where you get to actually receive and experience the fulfillment of what you are creating and contributing into the world.  

Where you get to experience the joy, the purpose, the pleasure, the meaning.  

Not because it is the cost of entry.  

But because it is rightfully yours.  

Because you can’t not.  

Because doing the whole, full, real thing you are here to do and directing your energy toward that is so much more satisfying and fulfilling than trying to play the game of success as measured by others - where you have to compartmentalize half of yourself to keep it fair. 

Nope.  That game is over. 


Are you ready to liberate yourSELF?


I am sharing a new group program soon that will support the liberation of self, to support the embodiment of your greatness, and to support you to bring the fullest, truest YOU into the wholeness of your life - in your creativity, your business, and your parenting or relationships.

Would you like to join me?

CONNECT with me here and I'll share the details as soon as they are all ready!

Sending you so much love - and LIBERATION!
