Arriya Kingrey

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Still stuck in the Up Level Goo?

A lot of people THINK they have to sit in the goo for a LOT longer than is actually necessary.

Sit, sit, sit

Wait, wait, wait


Now  I know you know you can do uncomfortable, that’s not actually the point.

What is important here is that we can be so slippery and clever in our big up levels (and the little ones too…) that we have all kinds of stories that make it correct and true that we are STILL IN THE GOO!

"Oh, this is a big one!"

"Oh, I’m really mining the treasures at the deepest depths here."

"Oh, this is going to be so significant and important when it's complete."

To be clear...

I’m not talking about sneaking by to get to the treasure.

AND I’m not talking about bypassing or faking it til you make it.

[That is some shite!]

What IS possible is to actively, consciously, partner with your Continuous Up Level and CHOOSE it.

When we are consciously working with it, we are not being consumed by it, taken over by it, put on pause or freeze by it.

We are in a dance, a relationship, a purposeful exploration.

So things like -

→"I’m going to be in this awhile"

→"This is going to take a long time to shift or integrate"

→"I’ll have to wait and see what comes next"

Eh - Yes and No.

The truth is, we don’t know “how long" it will actually take.

But because we can be so clever, we can think we are getting our masters degree in transformation for having the most uncomfortable - ok painful - long, multi-pronged transformational experience.

And that just isn’t the case.

So there may not be so much to tell about if you slip slide through your next up level - to all the treasure and gold fully in tact.

But actually the things you have to say will be so much more meaningful, on point, relevant, and YOURS to share.

Because they will be steeped in the gold that has transpired, the wisdom, the whole treasure - not just the painful crunchy parts.

Nope! You don’t receive any medals or prizes for the longest most painful experience.

Just weeks, months, years of your life spent in fight, flight, freeze in some manner that we know oh so well.

So the family activities you drag yourself to because you can’t not.

The bills, (showers), exercise you are choosing not to do because you just can’t.

The big important tasks you have your team do and then redo because what was true yesterday just isn’t the same today.

What is available instead?

Working WITH your up level cycle.

Discovering where you are in your up level stages and receiving the precise and potent medicine for that exact piece. 

- This includes knowing when it’s time to sit and go all the way 

- And when it’s time to continue on.

This is also revealing where we are choosing to skip through the crunchy parts to get to the good stuff - all to miss out on the actual treasure.

And where we are sitting in the discomfort FAR too long without actually doing the thing that is here to be done next.

NONE of this happens at the level of the mind.

But when the mind has a sense of what is going on and where you are at, it can get on board.

The body holds so much depth and wisdom, but without the safety in place you are locked out.

Tending to the WHOLE of the experience is where the treasure is not only discovered, but received, and fully integrated!

Then the next level of your magic happens! 

The next big step up in your monthly revenue. 

The next big revelation of your emergent creations. 

The magical reorganization of the field to have your creations delivered just so!

There are no medals or prizes (or masters degrees) in the longest up level.

Also, none available in skipping through things too quickly.

Or doing it JUUUUSSSST right.

But there is angel choir singing level goodness that shines through and down and in when you move with your own unique process, with divine timing - which also means speed without resistance.

You with me?

Ok, so where are you at in your up level?

Let’s use this handy cheat sheet to break it down. 

Under the covers, check back in 30 days. 

Holding on for dear life, maximum grip! 

Fresh off the other side, whew!

Going in! Just getting ready for the next round.

Of course, there is an actual 8 stages of this Creation Cycle that I’m happy to share so you can know with more precision where you are at and what comes next.

Just say the word.

I’m here for you and your most easeful, speedy (in all the good ways) evolution of your truest, wholest self.

(And all the goodness and magic that brings forth in your business, your body, your family, your money, and everywhere!)