Does checking something off your list provide you with more fulfillment and satisfaction than the thing you are checking off?


So, as a leader of your business, as a leader of a team, as a parent, as a human, what we need is to reorient back to center. ⠀

We find the place “in here”, within yourself that shows you where to point your arrow. ⠀

The place where when you call forth these aspects of yourself, when you align to these gifts, when you orient yourself with your meaningful resources, and reconnect to the spark of your own natural inherently brilliant and beautiful creative nature - magic happens. ⠀

And this is for you. Of course. ⠀

And also, this is for your team, and your kids, and all the places you show up. ⠀

So a gentle inquiry. Does checking something off your list provide you with more fulfillment and satisfaction than the thing you are checking off? ⠀

This can feel big. And if you approach it from the same linear model that life has presented itself to you, it can be. But it doesn’t have to be.

It can be magical. It can be surprising and delightful. It can be meaningful and fulfilling. It can be satisfying. ⠀

Not because of something that you see “out there”, but because it is really truly a genuine feeling inside of yourself. ⠀

One where you feel connected to yourself, you are aware of, cultivating and actively using your gifts, where you are experiencing joy on the regular. ⠀

And where you grow people up to experience this same kind of awe-inspiring - just because - Joy. ⠀

(Instead of the one that happens from checking off the list.) ⠀

You can grow a new generation of creative visionaries. ⠀

You can develop a team of people who are adding value to you and your business because it is what they are literally designed to do - not because it’s what you told them to do. ⠀

You can be guiding children to become who they are without all the stop gap measures and take the actual direct route, fast track to fulfillment (and beyond). ⠀

Because it is all available now.

For you. For your team. For your children. ⠀

And THAT is truly fulfilling.⠀

Are you ready to DREAM your Soul’s Vision? Send me a PM and I’ll share with you some easy first steps.