How we stop ourselves on the Up Level path... and what will keep things moving (Video)

Are you holding on tight to the way things are, bobbing and weaving any clue that nudges you toward a new way?

Or are you riding the wave?

Where are you stopping yourself before you even get started?

Any hints of…

I’m not ready

I don’t know what to do

It won’t work

It’s too hard

or any other host of things that pop around in our minds and stop us before we even get started.

Sure, we all know about the mindset and belief patterns that are present.  But simply telling yourself something different doesn’t actually do anything for you – unless you actually BELIEVE it.

And not just believe it in your MIND, but REALLY believe it in every fiber of your Being.

So here’s the thing. 

There are so many things we can do to create a shift in our reality by embodying a new belief pattern deep in our tissues and our DNA.  And sometimes it can get kind of tricky.

For example, maybe you don’t even see the pattern that’s showing itself in your life and keeping you from creating what you actually want to be experiencing.

Or maybe you forget the tools you have available to you – the mind can be tricky like that!

And maybe you simply forgot – for a moment or two – that you are a powerful BEING that is here to bring it’s own unique contribution into the world.

I get it.

Sometimes that knowing can feel more overwhelming than motivating.

And… sometimes a simple re-calibration of your system can get you feeling your mojo again.

Because it may just be re-aligning you with your TRUTH

Or, it may be upgrading your system to a new level of Truth you are now ready to embody – on every level.

Just because things worked a certain way before – doesn’t mean they meet you now as you continue to grow and evolve. 

If you’re ready to stop pushing against what was, with determination and attachment, and release into what will be, reach out and let’s discover the next step on your path.