Arriya Kingrey

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Space for the big life-changing decisions arising....

A lot of people are moving through some BIG decisions right now. 

Life changing decisions about relationships, where to live, investments, how they choose to receive financially while being a contribution. 

And one of the things I notice when we bring these questions into a session, into the Source Blueprint, into the stillness, into a space where there is zero attachment to having an answer or knowing a thing…

Is that the “answer” to the big question first arises through what appears to be a misdirection.  Of course, it’s not a misdirection, it’s just not the straight out answer to the question that was being asked. 

The question that is often brought into this type of inquiry can be something the mind wants a yes/no answer to, something to reassure it that you will be safe, that you will be ok.  

The answer that arises in the session is the inquiry that will allow you to arrive at the true answer to the real question. (And then the deeper programs, patterns, imprints to be cleared to allow that truth to arise in awareness and in our material experience.) 

Because our minds love to keep us safe, often we won’t or can’t even THINK of the real question to ask, because by its very nature it is actually threatening to our perception of safety. 

So while we desperately want to jump to the answer of X or Y, the guidance is something different. 

And the information that arises might seem like it would be terrifying to the mind - hence all the blocking and dodging and not knowing.  But the reality of the information arising actually shows itself like a great relief to the system.  A deep level of truth.  A deep knowing.  

Something that is beyond the original inquiry.  Something that hits much deeper and more true than what we allowed ourselves to consider. 

So questions like “should I move to here or there” or “should I use this investment money for this or that”, or “should I do it now or then” all are able to land in a much deeper truer way.  

What arises is something that the mind hadn’t been available to consider. 

It’s not because it was actually bad or scary. 

It’s just that the perception of the change itself was too much to consider while maintaining the perception of safety.  

What is actually safe, is the truth. 

Would you like to receive support in your big contemplations and big decisions? 

To get to the root of the internal conflict? 

If you would like to drop into this space to bring your big questions, to listen deeply to the silence and the truth, and to receive guidance from your Source Blueprint, your body, and the Earth, I invite you to a 90 minute Deep Dive private session with me.  This is 1.5-2 hours plus some preparation before our call and a 30 minute check in after to support with integration. Send me a PM to book and I’ll send you the payment and scheduling link.  Or message me to explore other options that will meet you just so.  


What are you noticing from here?

I would love to hear from you!