The Invisible Path To Success

Where are we operating from the invisible roadmap?

You know the drill.

Go to school, so you can get a job, so you can [fill in the blank].

Or the even better version of

Go to a GOOD school, so you can get a GOOD job, so you can be successful…

And then it goes all the ways from there. It starts early with preschool, or even earlier as a baby and all the toys and early learning programs and music to build your brain.

Actually, it begins earlier than that, with the time spent in utero, or even conception, or PRE-conception!

I truly understand that parents want what’s best for their children, and of course, so do I.

But is there a place where we have subtly or explicitly given away our own discernment and power to the invisible path to success?

If we break that down we could start with success. What does that even mean now?

From my perspective, it used to mean that you would make enough (or more than enough) money to provide for yourself and your family.

It may also mean - getting into a good college, getting a highly esteemed job at a top company.

(It also may mean what kind of car your drive, the area of town you live in, the places you go, the clothes you wear, the material visible and measurable aspects of life.)

When we are walking the invisible path to success we have this subtle but significant built-in security, the one that says "if I do all the right things, then I will be successful". And sometimes it says, “but I did all the right things and it didn’t work for me”.

At times, the result is a "success that lacks purpose, meaning, and inner peace". And sometimes we can find a place to blame when we did it all and it didn't work out that way. Blame it on the invisible system, the path that everyone takes, or the person blames it on themselves.

So what else is available?

How about Creating the “best” path for that individual as a part of the family and community as a whole. An experience that rests upon the wholeness of the individual in connection with life, the land, and with a foundation of Peace, Purpose, and Prosperity as a whole, in service to or contribution with the whole community or greater.

In order to do that we have to:

  • Be willing to see the invisible path

  • Take responsibility for the experience of our choices - conscious and unconscious

  • Be curious about who this person is, who they are becoming, and what role you are here to play as the parent

  • Be willing to create a definition of success along the way - this can still include being self-sufficient - but it may look different than what self-sufficient or past versions of success have looked like for you.

  • Commit to creating an environment that meets the individual and the family as a whole

So the first step along the path is to start to see the invisible path beneath your feet.

Do you want to create a life for your child where they have the good school, the good job, the good money, but they are stressed, miserable, unsatisfied, and unfulfilled?

Do you want to open yourself to the possibility that the places where you are hooked in to make money to pay your bills so you can make money so you can pay your bills may be written another way?

Do you want to consider what is truly important for you, your child, and your family as a whole - free of the invisible path, free of the societal spoken and unspoken rules and agreements?

Are you ready to create that?

For yourself and for your family?

One option is to start to unwind these programs, patterns, and imprints of the invisible path to success from your system, from your life, from your business, from your money.

And allow your children to grow up in THAT.

If you would like to receive support creating and delivering your unique vision for you, your business, your creations, and your family, I invite you to connect and see how you might like to be supported.