Arriya Kingrey

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The old strategy of “I’ll get it done while the kids are in school” just isn’t going to fly anymore.

How much time and energy are you spending trying to “get away” to get it all done?

That might have worked once.

But the time of compartmentalization as a strategy to create wholeness, fulfillment, prosperity, (success), is complete. 

Now you are being invited to bring it all closer.

Everyone is around you all the time.
The kids are home with their own needs, wants and desires all day long.

You have your work to do - but really it’s a Vision and a Mission you know you are here to create and deliver.

It used to work because you could be equally committed to your role as parent and vision creator because, well… school, camps, play dates, outings.

And now, everyone is with you all the time.

The old strategy of “I’ll get it done while the kids are in school” just isn’t going to fly anymore. 

And really as we are in a time of ALL the systems that are old and outdated and no longer serving coming to completion, we are receiving the clue that this might just be one of them that’s time has come.

The idea that we have created separation in our lives so we can “get more done” is getting the veil pulled back.

What is “more” really?
Are you creating more of it?

Or is it really more in just one area.
Or one area - at a time.

And is the overall picture really creating the outcome you truly desire?

Or is the outcome we have been conditioned to chase after unwittingly really a fancy way to deepen our attachments and commitments to pay the bills, the mortgage, pay for the school, the outings, the camps, the cars?

So now we have an old strategy crumbling before our eyes.
And the new strategy feels like a visitor in another land who doesn’t know the language.

No matter how many times you keep trying the same old way in a new land, it just isn’t going to work.

So what is the new strategy?
Are you ready?
You aren’t probably going to like it - at first.

And that’s because of conditioning.

We are conditioned in society, in families, in work environments, that productivity rules.  So if we are producing less, we are less, we make less, we experience less.

So first we get to get curious about what it is that we really want to experience?  And a clue to that is what do we really value.

I’m guessing that if you’re hanging in my space - even a little - what’s really important is your family.  And even more specifically, your kids.  Their feelings, their emotions, their dreams, their gifts, feeling seen and heard and witnessed.

And all around that we have created a whole host of false structures to allow us to align to our children.

Which causes us to chase after more money to pay more bills resulting in more separation.

So what is the new strategy?
It’s integration. It’s wholeness. It’s bringing your family and your kids closer.

I know, I hear you, that might sound crazy right now when what you really might be needing is a break.

I get it.  I used to be the queen of “needing a break”.  

And, now what I know to be true is that when I’m feeling that way there is an energy leak or a misalignment in my system that I can resolve by shifting the energy. 

And shifting the energy also usually shows itself in my life by creating different or better boundaries, speaking my needs more clearly, or working with a discomfort or irritation in my system.

All of this to say, I hear you.  A break sounds lovely.  And breaks are good too.  I’m not saying NO to breaks.

But I am inviting the possibility that a break - or separation - is not necessary to create your vision and mission AND be the parent you want to be for your children. 

I am offering that there is another whole possibility that opens when we can integrate our family and our mission.

When we integrate and work with the wholeness of our design - which includes prosperity, self, family, mission, vision - instead of double down on separation.

The way that separation has been showing up in our society for so long is compartmentalization.  “Working 9 to 5” and such.  And then “after work” family, and sports, and dinner, and all the other things.

But now with everyone “around all the time” we have another opportunity to create more peace AND prosperity in our lives.  We can create our big vision AND be the parent we want to be - AT THE SAME TIME.

I’m not saying you have to now win the award for next level multi-tasker of the year.

You can still have focus and boundaries and important work.  And you can still prepare nourishing food, tend to the emotions and feelings and needs of your ever evolving and developing children.

The thing that we have bought into in the compartmentalized structure is that we have to do one thing at a time.  We have to do one thing in order to get another thing.

If we want more peace, we have to only and specifically focus on more peace - at the cost of everything else.

Same with money, relationships, etc.

But what is true now, when we are working with integration and wholeness is that we can actually do one thing and shift, upgrade, or heal many things.

According to your design.

Perhaps you are actually designed to have less structure to create more money.
Perhaps you are designed to have more structure in your family to experience more peace. 

Or vice verse.  Or completely different.

Perhaps focusing on an aspect in your family will amplify your prosperity.
Perhaps focusing on your rhythm at home and at work will amplify your audience and your reach in support of your big vision.

And the answer to creating more time and space to work on your big vision is not to get away, get a break or to figure out some creative way to bypass your humanity by working in the middle of the night or hopping timelines.

The answer is to bring your family AND your big vision closer.  Both.  Not either or.

It might sound overwhelming, or even crazy. 
And if you try to do this from your logical mind with your to-do lists and your intellectual strategies, you might feel like you are making yourself crazy.

But if you work with the energy of your system, the energy of the cosmic design, and the energy of your business and your family, you can shift things without your mind even having to track it.

You can create a different reality by receiving the healings, clearings, upgrades in your system.  By integrating it and embodying it.

Not from your mind.

From your design - and that of your family, business, and the [Family + Mission].

From creating a deeper level of alignment and working with the energy of your design.

Not either or. 
It’s the whole.

Are you ready to integrate at a deeper level without your mind tracking all the pieces? 

Request a short conversation here and I’ll share with you some details of what’s coming soon! 

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