The Underlying Conditions On Our Creations…

Remember… bringing home that artwork and having it displayed on the refrigerator?

I remember when we started at Waldorf school that the early childhood classrooms (and beyond) would keep all the kids' art and then it would come home at the end of the year in a beautiful folder or package.

In my experience of childhood art there was a pretty deep sense of creating so you could show it - to someone - maybe even on the refrigerator.

There is this sense of bringing something home that shows that you did something, an underlying implication that you were productive, that you were valuable today.

To NOT bring something home!?!

To create simply because that is part of the creation of the day??

Well, years, and still decades later, I have a whole new appreciation for this simple shift in perspective.

We move through society, our families, our work and schools with this undercurrent of showing what you’ve done.

Show that you are busy.

Show that you were productive.

Show that your busy productivity displays your value.

And, without that, what does that mean?

Are we not valuable?

Do we have no value without creation or productivity?

Can we create simply because it is what is being called to move through you at that moment?

Can we create because it brings joy?

Can we create because it is what we are called to bring forward into the world in some manner - traditionally through something tanglible and seen or unconventionally through something that is unseen or even simply for Being?


I know I had to go deep to work that out along the way. And maybe it’s no longer a shocker to you, but it still needs to be delivered into the collective.

We can be a contribution simply through our presence.

We can create value through our existence.

Proving productivity and showing your work is not required.

AND on the other side of that… from this space of creative freedom and liberation you just might be called to create, just because.

You might need to create - and not know what to do with it.

You might be called to create - and then let it create you.

You might create something spectacular - and then allow that creation to inform you, those around you, and even be delivered through your work.

It is ok to create simply for the joy -

free of needing to hang it on the fridge.

AND it is ok to create because your unique creation needs to be delivered into the collective as a contribution.


It’s ok to display what has been birthed through you.

It is ok to allow your unique creation to be witnessed and to change those who it is here to impress itself upon.

What I see and experience is that when we unhook from the programs and conditioning that can run deep around being a productive contributing member of society…

[oh wow, do you remember that phrase???]

we can free ourselves from our creations needing to be externally validated, acknowledged, and displayed, and we can connect to something deeper.

We can access the true rich deep organic creations that flow through us that are a contribution in whatever way they are here for - while also being free of performance, obligation, and proving your productivity or value.

THAT is when we tap into the magic that allows us to be created through our creations, to experience the joy of simply being in our creative state, and the way that simply being our true self can be a valuable contribution in the business, in the family, in the collective, or in the silent darkness of the field itself.

And we can experience the joy of creating for it to be SEEN and experienced.

Not because it needs to be, is expected or obligated.

But because it is here for that.

The creation that is here to shift the frequency of the field by being delivered into the collective.

We can deliver our original creations into the world as a contribution!

Free and clear.

Yes, please. More of that!