When being right doesn’t actually serve...


When doing a session with the focus and intention to be of service with a greater impact, being of service to more people while being your true you - we didn’t end with write more posts, send more emails, or book more talks.

Sure all those things can be important for the right person, in the right way, at the right time.

What we did receive was a contract and agreement with an authority figure who was certain that THE WAY is the right way, the only way, and all other ways are wrong.

So what arose was the discovery that there was a misperceived sense of safety present in choosing to be in this agreement.

It was a perception of safety, safety to be connected to something that was “right”.

Misperceived safety in that it didn’t actual create a true experience of safety. It was a false sense of safety that also showed itself through pain in the physical body.

The pay off was a tricky one…

One where someone could be RIGHT that “THE WAY” doesn’t work.

And also could make the other person - the authority figure - WRONG that THE WAY isn’t the right way.

(Neither of which resulted in serving more people )

This unraveled a whole construct that held an old outdated paradigm of right and wrong.

One that no longer served.

And one where it was causing the opposite of what was really wanted.

Instead of being of service to a larger number of people and creating a greater impact,

this set up the experience of not getting what was wanted AND getting to continue to play out this contract of being right.

So what was available on the other side?


The place where the false authority was right or wrong, had been replaced with discernment.

Discernment to know what is right, what is wrong, and when it’s not so simple.

This is the level of depth available.

Where we can get to the root, beyond the obvious actions that aren’t working... yet.

We can get to the root of the next deepest layer your system is available for that will create the biggest impact and shift in your actual experience -

in your life, your business, your family, your impact.

The things that can keep tails being chased trying to discover what strategies or actions will work for you - instead of shifting the root of the experience and upgrading it to what actually serves.

This is how we can stop chasing all the magical solutions out there and connect with what is the next evolution of the vision, mission, and impact you are here to create -

on your terms, for you.


Where we can create and experience what is desired instead of unconsciously playing out some other illusion that no longer serves.